What Does It Mean To Be Beautiful?

So often beauty is depicted as being something of the outward appearance, like we’re either born with it or not. Friends, we need to realize that this is a false representation of what true beauty is, and what it stands for. The Bible says that “…The Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” ( 1 Samuel 16:7 NKJV) So we can start off by saying that the things that really matter, have nothing to do with our outward appearance. Now that doesn’t mean to drop everything and completely forget the care of your body (which is the Temple of the Holy Spirit) by not exercising and eating healthy. (When I was little, I used to think that that was what that meant, and let’s just say my mom and I had more than a handful of conversations about it haha!) However, it does mean that as Daughters of the Almighty God, we must remember what true beauty is, and make the daily decision to focus on true beauty and not its counterfeit. Sister, we have the opportunity to allow God’s perfect beauty to shine in and through us. His Beauty can shine in and through our thoughts, actions, motives, heart, and life. When we choose to focus on honoring and worshiping Him, rather than entertaining the things of this world, we no longer compare ourselves to each other but, instead encourage one another in our walks with God as Sisters in Christ. As Daughters of the Most High God, life on earth is but a moment in our eternal lifespan, and it would really be messed up, if we spent all our time on earth so focused on the things of this world, that we missed being a chosen vessel used to bring God’s Wondrous Beauty, here to earth.


What Does It Look Like To Live Knowing You’re Beloved?


Oh My Goodness! Is That Joy You’re Wearing?!