What Does It Look Like To Live Knowing You’re Beloved?

The word beloved means “dearly loved.” What would it look like for us to live life knowing that we are dearly loved by God? What would it look like for us to know that we have been created intentionally, and therefore each day we decide to live intentionally? When we know and believe that we are loved, it changes the way that we walk through life. When we receive and believe, that despite all our mistakes and faults Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords still longs to have an intimate relationship with us, it changes our posture, humbles our spirit, and molds us into the Daughters of the King that we have been created to be. We have to be careful though, because the enemy tries really hard to make us forget our purpose, and when we let the things of this world get under our armor (The Armor of God), we can find ourselves acting like we don’t know that we are loved by Almighty God. I remember a moment in my life where I allowed the things of the world to distract me for so long, that I started to look to the opinions of my friends and peers for approval and love. It was such a terrible place to be in, because I was choosing to live life constantly seeking the attention of others, and that’s not a life of peace. One of the millions of amazing things about Our Father is that if we find ourselves lost and in need of help, He is always there to pick us up, carry us through, and remind us of who He made us to be. We don’t have to go from friendship to friendship, or relationship to relationship looking for acceptance and love. God is more than beyond enough to fulfill our every need and satisfy our deepest longings. You are God’s beloved child. Take a second, and let that sink in. You have been chosen, accepted, and welcomed by the Creator, and He loves you with every ounce of His heart. Now that you let it set in, I encourage you to let God’s glory, mercy, and love for you, change your life. Trust me, it’s one of the greatest decisions you’ll ever make!


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