Relationship Are Watered By Time

Relationships take time to build and grow, whether it’s a friendship, a person you’re courting, or even a relationship with your parents. One thing that is present in all three of these different types of relationships, is time spent. We can’t expect a relationship to grow if we don’t water it with our time spent. Without both individuals making time to get to know each other, there would be no difference in their relationship, and they would be just as much strangers five years later, as they were the day that they first met. Why then, do we treat our relationships with Father God any different? Our relationship with God is the most important relationship we will ever have, for goodness sakes He’s the sole reason we exist! The enemy knows this, and he’s terrified because he knows that the closer we get to Jesus, the more we (through God’s power) will change the world instead of letting it change us. So let’s make the enemy shake in his boots by living our lives for the Lord fully! Let’s choose to put God first in all things, because if we can put aside our homework to go hangout with our friends at the beach, we can definitely intentionally make time each day to get to know our Father God better!


The Most Important Relationship of All!


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